Friday, April 12, 2013

Picking Donkeys

Picking Donkeys
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Jan: +£115.40 Feb: +£240.40 Mar: +£121.50 Apr: +£64.20 May: +£40.30 Jun: +£38.70 Jul: -£131.20 Aug: +£17.20 Sep: +£90.80 Oct: +£96.70 Nov: coming soon

I’m not sure how you’ve stumbled across this page, but if you are looking for a racing system that can earn you profit month after month then its a good job you found us.

Picking Donkey’s Lay For Profit is not some thrown together system. It is a simple formular for finding horses that are priced a lot lower than they should be, in our eyes anyway.

This gives us a great advantage as these horses very rarely win the race and when this does happen (only 7.5% of the time), it means our risk is pretty low.

Like I said earlier, this isn’t some system that has been thrown together a month a go and is doing well (currently).

In the last 4 Years, 6 Months and 2 Weeks we have pulled in a profit of £5,846.70 after BetFair commissions. Avereaging £107.28 per month.

Over this period we have placed 937 bets, we have won 867 of them and lost only 70. Giving us an amazing strke rate of 92.5%

This system works! Trying to add more bets for the sake of it would likely give us a few more winners, but also a lot more losers and some at pretty bad odds (for us).

The basics are, it works, it makes profit consistently so we’re not going to change it. Over 4 and a half years have proven this.

We could quite easily say we made 10 times as much but who lays at £100 a horse? There’s too much risk involved. Even with a system like ours with a 92.5% strike rate we would never suggest going above £50 and we’d only suggest it when you are in the same place we are now, with over £5,000 in profit to play with!

That is partly the reason we decided to make this system public. Too much rubbish is available and we want you to pocket exactly what we pocket. We think an average of over £100 each and every month is a good start.

Now we’re afraid we can’t offer this system to everyone who wants it. We’re limiting places to 200 as we feel many more and we may start to see a shift in the odds (not in our favour). This will allow us to keep the system as profitable as it is now.

We’ve asked some people in the industry, some that have been around longer than we have and they suggested that for someone to have access to this system a fair price would be 1 months average proifit. Making the suggest price around £100!

We want to price the system at a price that every punter can afford. Espeically those punter who are at the end of or mid way through a bad run, running some over hyped system that is just their to grab their cash!

That is why TODAY you can get Picking Donkey’s Lay For Profit for a one time fee of JUST £9.95!

In case people are new to Laying, or even betting on the horses we are also including a 7 Day Selection Pass.

This means you will be able to make sure you are following the system correctly and getting the same lay bets that we are.

We hope so. Remember that are only 200 copies available. Once they are gone this site will be… Read more…

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